Welcome to INvoke

The Signature Mastermind that will alter your center of gravity!

An intimate, like-minded community of seekers, dreamers, creators, coaches, healers, light workers, and intuitives, ready to align and move boldly into their purpose, calling forth the highest version of SELF!

Are you ready...

to set the world on fire?

There is no one else on this planet like you! You have a unique soul signature, vibration, and light to share with the world. You’re here at this special time on the planet, because the world needs your individual gifts, your wisdom, and talents like never before. Join INvoke to turn your imagination into manifestation.

Are you ready...

to embark on a journey, an adventure of inner transformation, to call forth the truest version of you?

INvoke is a mentorship group specifically designed as a compassionate container, to gently guide you through the inner-work needed to get you through the current blip in the matrix you're stuck in.

A Signature Mastermind that supports you in creating your best life--your best world!

In this one of a kind mentorship group,  you will gain the tools and practices to go beyond inherited patterns and fixed ways of seeing the world that have kept you stuck for years...

Access the Quantum Perspective of Consciousness for Personal Empowerment •Learn and utilize the 3 A's of Quantum Abundance: Attune, Align, and Ascend •Understand how the energetic anatomy of consciousness relates to and creates abundance •Understand and utilize the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of manifesting. •Clear shadow aspects that block your abundance flow and expression in life. •Create "Abundance Template“ in alignment with true values, needs. and desires. •Design  and implement inspired blueprint of action for living your best life.

Grab your FREE Workshop BONUS here!

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    Welcome to INvoke!

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    Your REPLAY Zoom LIVE Training Videos are HERE

    • Week 1: INvoke Kick-OFF Video REplay

    • Module 1: Week 2 Video REplay

    • Model 1: Week 3 Video REplay

    • Module 1: Week 4 REplay

    • Module 2: Week 1 REplay

    • Module 2: Week 2 REplay

    • Module 2: Week 3 REplay

    • Module 2: Week 4 Q&A REplay

    • Module 3: Week 1 REplay

    • Module 3: Week 2 REplay 6.11

    • Module 3; Week 2 Part 2 REplay 7.7.21

    • Module 3: Week 3 REplay 7.14.21

    • Module 3: Week 4 REplay 7.21.21

    • Module 3 Wrap-up 7.28.21

    • Module 4: Week 2

    • Module 4: Week 1 8.18.21

    • Module 4: Week 4 REPLAY 9.8.21

    • Module 4: Week 5 REPLAY 9.15.21

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    Module 1

    • Module 1: Week 1 Kick Off

    • Module 1: Week 2

    • The Giraffe Comic

    • Module 1: Week 3

    • Module 1: Week 4

  • 4

    Module 2

    • Module 2: Week 1

    • Module 2: Week 2

    • Module 2: Week 3

    • Module 2: Week 4

  • 5

    Module 3

    • Module 3: Week 1

    • Module 3: Week 2 (Legacy Project)

    • Module 3: Week 2 PPT with Quantum Release Patterns

    • Module 3: Week 3 (LP Part II)

  • 6

    Module 4

    • Module 4: Week 1

    • Module 4: Week 2

    • Module 4: Week 3

Countdown timer

Use this section to create urgency for your offer.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds