Thank you for being a part of the INvoke Signature Club. I appreciate your commitment to your own process of evolution and personal growth.
I ask you to follow a few simple guidelines, to make sure we create a fair, respectful and loving community for all.
- All of the content in this course and in the online community is copyright of myself and my business, Mindheart-space. Please do not share it, or distribute it in any way at all without express written permission from myself. Please do not "study with someone else" unless that person has also bought the course from myself. If you would like someone you know to buy the course, I am happy to offer them a discount and to gift you something valuable too, so just send me a message at [email protected].
- Keep our relationship professional. I am extremely approachable and I want to help you as best I can. However, I have to enforce these boundaries or things become too difficult for me to manage. Please do not contact me through Facebook Messenger, as that is my personal account. For admin help only, please contact: [email protected]. For questions about the course, please post in the FB Live posts in the Facebook Community and I'll answer you the next time I go live.
- Please be loving and kind inside the online community. We are all working towards one common goal, and that's to get more of the world we want to see and experience out there. If you disagree with someone, that's OK. Remember, it's better to be happy than right!
- Have realistic expectations of the course and club. You're in this for as long as you want to be, because I've given you lifetime access. I'm encouraging you to let go of any ideas of instant transformation, because that's not what this club is about. I want you to learn from the very first module, slowly, repeatedly and systematically until you learn to trust your capabilities and get to where you want to be. Depending on your knowledge level, some of the information won't be relevant to you. If that's the case, just ask inside the Facebook Community on a Facebook Live Q&A post and I'll offer you alternative approaches there. If you truly want to leave that JOB, create that relationship, live your purpose, you have to show up for yourself consistently. Mistakes are inevitable; just learn from them and move on.
- Be mindful of my time. I do not offer 1-1 mentoring in this club, unless you purchased the VIP Mentoring Package. This is what I do offer: We have monthly Q&A’s, where you can receive my 1-1 time there if you are in the hotseat. These are around 60 minutes long each, and it's first come, first served with a maximum of ten minutes each. If you are new, you get priority for a few weeks and you get longer. Finally, I am regularly inside the group offering guidance, but this is an added extra as it's really for peer support, so please treat it that way. If you want my direct help, wait for the next weekly and show up early. Please also note that I don't work weekends.
- If you bought this club using my payment plan, you have to pay the whole lot. No exceptions, no matter what your circumstances, so please don't ask because you won't receive a reply. This isn't optional. In the name of fairness, I share coaching for your money. As soon as you join my club, you get access to content worth way more than you'll ever pay for. And when you use it as I instruct, and do the work, your life and purpose will blossom.
- I don't offer refunds, so please don't ask as you won't receive a reply. When you joined the club, you knew what you were buying into as I am extremely clear with what's involved. And you get an awful lot because this isn't just "another course", it's lifetime access to a complete system of conscious evolution. Because of the EXTENSIVE live element of the club from myself, and because of the upfront value you receive as soon as you join, there is a 100% no refund policy. However, if you get stuck and want to quit, talk to me and your buddies in the community, because that's what we are there for... we have your back.
If you break my terms and conditions, then I reserve the right to remove you from the community AND the course without notice or refund, so please don't sabotage yourself, your future plans to live your purpose and create the world you imagine.
Lots of love,